Last night they were all fine. This morning when I went out there was one that was away from the group and didnt come to greet us. Her wings are drooping, she seems sluggish and she is having a hard time keeping balanced on her feet. She acts like she is sleeping. When I picked her up and brought her in the house to check her out I noticed she was quite thin, but she eats. Ive seen her eating. I hand out treats daily and she has always gotten one. I have watched them all eat from the food containers but she is so thin. I am actually shocked to see how thin she is. The pen is clean, water clean, food has been stored in air tight containers. I dont know what to think. I examined her poop and dont see anything abnormal about it. I did the only thing I thought might help her and that was to ad a bit of sugar and some baby vitamins to water and gave that to her on the tip of my finger and she drank it. I also put some feed in the blended and fed her by syringe like you would a baby bird and a few minutes after she got the food she started to perk up a little and flapped her wings but she still isnt looking good and it didnt solve the problem. I am not sure what I should do for her next, she's never had any issues before now. Any suggestions would be helpful. She's been seperated and in the house.