- Nov 24, 2012
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I have 4 Cockerels and 16 Pullets available. This breed was developed by Dr. Tom Whiting to be a production blue egg layer (purportedly 285/year). They have been raised on organic, soy free feeds, and vaccinated at McMurray Hatchery for Mareks and coccidiosis where they were purchased. They are all colors, from splash to red to black to partridge and everything in between, with a single comb and supposedly heat and cold hardy, with good foraging ability and good predator awareness. They tend to be flighty, but I have imprinted and handled them. Due to the cost of the feed, I will need $20 each for the pullets to break even. I also have a rare breed mystery chick sent with my order that is large, slow growing and feather legged and I think a cockerel but I am not sure (the black one with the white head in the back center of the first picture); free to a good home. Local pickup near Monroe, WI is preferred, but arrangements for shipping can be discussed. Please reply to this thread.