12 week old Wyandotte (BLRW)


11 Years
Feb 27, 2008
Ayer, Massachusetts
This is Eileen, my poor little BLRW that hatched out with a slipped tendon. She is almost 12 weeks old, but is very small for her size because of her deformity. I don't know how stunted growth would affect sexual development. Anyway, here are some pics. Please let me know if I need to change her name to something more masculine.
When she was 2 weeks old, the vet said she was too small and frail to help. But now that she is bigger and stronger, I'm hoping she can fix her.




oh I'm sorry...I'm not one to know for sure...but my SLW pullet also has no comb and small waddles so I just assumed it was a girly. So pretty though...
It is a pullet as a cockerel would have much more comb development by now. I don't know if that leg will be able to be fixed at this point or not. I would recommend very carefully and objectively assesing her quality of life if it can't be fixed.

Thanks for the advice. I have struggled many times, debating what to do about this little chickie. I tried to fix her leg myself after she hatched out. When that didn't work, I took her to the vet when she was 2 weeks. The vet tried to convince me to euthanize her, but I just couldn't agree to it. Other than not getting around as well or eating as much as the others, she did not seem to be suffering. I decided to support her as long as this remained the case. She has defintely held her own. She is very fiesty and full of life. None of the other chickens pick on her because she can be very assertive if she wants to be!

I am not a breeder and I would never try to hatch one of her eggs (if she even ends up laying at all). I am just a backyard chicken lover with a weakness for fluffy butts! I realize that the leg may be a lost cause. But I feel I owe it to her to try to fix it, if it is possible.
She looks a lot like my GLW pullet. She had the little red wattles too, but still a girl. Good luck with the leg, I'd be doing exactly the same thing

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