12 wk old Ameraucana Quechua Olmec mixes - Pullets or cockerels?


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 9, 2013
Hi, I have two of these birds and I can't decide -- one has a very little comb but feathers look a little pointy, and the other one has a larger comb but rounded feathers and body looks more like a roo. Thoughts?







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The buff is a Cream Legbar and Delaware mix, I believe.
Thanks! Even though they both look so different and were supposedly from the same hatch, you think they could both still be pullets? Will a pullet ever have slightly pointy-ish saddle feathers?
Thanks! Even though they both look so different and were supposedly from the same hatch, you think they could both still be pullets? Will a pullet ever have slightly pointy-ish saddle feathers?
They are cross breeds so it is a toss of the genetics who got what and thus who looks like what...remember your Mendel's pea table where 1/2 look like this; 1/4 look like this; 1/4 look like this...? You've got Ameraucanas, which often are mixed breed EE's, so you've got a lot of possibilities.

As to pointy saddle feathers...no...hens/pullets do not have pointy saddle feathers...that would be a roo.

However, while your one bird has some extra fluff there....I don't know that is a bone fide saddle...yet...and the comb still looks more hen than roo...it could however be a slow developing roo.

The other one with the orange flecking looks all pullet to me.

Pullets of some breeds can get a bit of pointy hackle feather...but generally no pointy saddles.

My 2 cents
Lady of McCamley
They are cross breeds so it is a toss of the genetics who got what and thus who looks like what...remember your Mendel's pea table where 1/2 look like this; 1/4 look like this; 1/4 look like this...? You've got Ameraucanas, which often are mixed breed EE's, so you've got a lot of possibilities.

As to pointy saddle feathers...no...hens/pullets do not have pointy saddle feathers...that would be a roo.

However, while your one bird has some extra fluff there....I don't know that is a bone fide saddle...yet...and the comb still looks more hen than roo...it could however be a slow developing roo.

The other one with the orange flecking looks all pullet to me.

Pullets of some breeds can get a bit of pointy hackle feather...but generally no pointy saddles.

My 2 cents
Lady of McCamley
X2 and I thought it was called a punnets square
They are cross breeds so it is a toss of the genetics who got what and thus who looks like what...remember your Mendel's pea table where 1/2 look like this; 1/4 look like this; 1/4 look like this...? You've got Ameraucanas, which often are mixed breed EE's, so you've got a lot of possibilities.

As to pointy saddle feathers...no...hens/pullets do not have pointy saddle feathers...that would be a roo.

However, while your one bird has some extra fluff there....I don't know that is a bone fide saddle...yet...and the comb still looks more hen than roo...it could however be a slow developing roo.

The other one with the orange flecking looks all pullet to me.

Pullets of some breeds can get a bit of pointy hackle feather...but generally no pointy saddles.

My 2 cents
Lady of McCamley

Thank you!!!

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