120 temp spike day 18 any hope ?

Oh no! Bummer
Better luck next time...
My guys went into lock down last night. They were running high like 102*. I thought I had it all fixed, worked 13 hrs + 2 hrs travel today got home running at 105* with air, so sad. Still holding out hope for a hatch but I know it is unlikely.......... BLAH!!!!!!!
I once hatched eggs with a faulty thermometer. Temperature ran too high throughout incubation. Some of the eggs got cooked! But I miraculously hatched 7 chicks. You never know... fingers crossed!
I hear you!! I love working on-call, I usually can plan my hours/days around my farm and hatchings, but we have 4 full-time people out and there are only 8 full timers to begin with so I've been called in almost every single day and not for 8 hr shifts but usually 12's trying to overlap and share with others. I work in a group home so we can NOT run short. Crazy, I can't wait for my co-workers to heal up and get back to work. One broke her leg falling off her horse. One had surgery a few months ago and now has a staff infection in his foot, diabetic. One pulled a muscle and one is out with her new baby. Well she actually just let us know she's not returning so we are all scrambling to cover, 160 open hours a week between like 6 of us on top of our regular stuff. So I'm having a hard time staying on top of things lately and rushing around every day and not taking the time to watch my bators. I usually check them at least 3 times a day if not 4 or 5, lol... Luckily the eggs that got too hot are from my girls and not the purchased eggs going into lock down today. Fingers crossed that things go well over the next few days. Hoping for 12 LBs (Light Brahmas) to start hatching tomorrow and 14LBs and 6 Dorkings to go into lock down tonight. This hatching can be tricky. I now have 3 bators, not all are running at the time but mostly got something going in at least 2 all the time. I've got a friend looking for guinea chicks and a different friend looking to get rid of guinea eggs so my next full bator will be guineas, any tips on guinea hatching, going to do some reading on them later today, IF I don't get called in....... I'll keep you all posted!!! I'm still hopeful to get something. Oh and the IV tubing is working but I still wish I'd added a jar and sponge. Bator #3 goes into lock down tonight I will add sponges and try a little different set up with IV tubing and try to get some pics this time!!!! Be safe all and happy hatching!!!!
Woooooo Hoooooo!!! I've got 6 of my 12 chicks this morning!!! I'm glad I didn't throw them and I didn't cook them. Pics later!! Thanks for the kind words and support!!!
7 now and at least one pip that I can see. I still amazes me how tough these tiny creatures are!!!!
After realising what's been going on in my incubator with our first hatch I felt the same. Those were some hot babies... Enjoy your chicks!

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