13 RIR Hens.....40 pounds layer pellets a week about right?


11 Years
Feb 27, 2008
The 13 girls went through a 40 pound bag in a week free choice. Plus i toss them a couple handfuls of either scratch or BOSS each night. Just wondering if that sounds about right. The previous owner just fed basically soybean meal and some corn. Thanks
I would have thought it a little high, but not completely wild.

Based on 6oz per bird, per day, they would get through 34lb a week. With 10% wastage that would be 37 to 38lb
It sounds about right. Remember that if you don't free range they will eat more than if they free range. I know that mine have their run pick down to dirt so they don't have weeds and bugs (not much of that here right now anyway) in there-just what we throw to them.
For cooped birds, that doesn't sound too bad, especially if they are heavier birds and not leghorns which weigh about 4 lbs and is the basis of about 90% of the "feed requirement" info you can find.

My 22 adults (5 are banties), they go though about 100 lbs a month... but that is supplemented with about 4-6 gallons of scrap food/left over/ bakery ends a week, and complete free range from sun up to sun down on very buggy partially tree covered partially tilled, and partially grassy acerage (ie. very goodie filled land). They spend the night in the coop, and what ever time they want to spend in there nibbling before and after laying eggs.

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