14 new ducklings but drake is trying to drown them!


In the Brooder
12 Years
Mar 19, 2007
Brooksville, FL
My Buff Orpington hen, Penny, hatched out 14 babies yesterday. They were in the pond today and PJ, the father, kept grabbing the babies by the head and holding them under water trying to drown them! Is this normal behavior? Right now, Penny and the babies are locked up in the duck pen and PJ is out. How can I keep him from harming the ducklings? SHOULD I try to interfere?

Pics and movies of the babies are on our site, www.goatslive.com in the Twitter section or on www.n4dbi.com.
I think its best if you keep them separated until the ducklings are at least a few months old. Though most of the drakes I've seen tend to ignore ducklings, it's not unusual for some of them to act the way you're describe. Perhaps you can have them take turns being let out each day.
You have to take the drake out or he will kill them. It's not uncommon in domestic ducks. You may rejoin the drake when they are 12 weeks old. Sometimes you can put them together when they are 8 weeks old, but I would be cautious. Best is to wait until they are 12 weeks old, because the drake will mount his daughters and can damage their legs if to young. He will later on pick fights with the boys to establish dominance. He does not care if they are his offspring or not. It's just how it goes. Watch out for your drake to hen ratio when they all sexually mature. You will need at least 3 hens for each drake.
Thanks for the replies. PJ has been going after my chickens to mate with them and has even eyed my cocker spaniel! If he doesn't watch himself, he's going to be dinner!!

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