14 week old Buff Orpington - pullet or roo?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 10, 2014
These are my first chickens. I got 10 buff orpingtons out of the "all pullet" bin at the farm store when they were a week old. This one looks and acts differently than the others. It is very outgoing, slimmer or maybe less "fluffy" than the others, and the comb and waddle is so big and bright red compared to the rest. They are 14 weeks old, so no eggs or crowing yet. I'm just curious. I secretly hope it is a roo. Well, I guess it's not a secret anymore.
It's my favorite bird in the flock because of how much it interacts with me. I am ready to give it a name, so I am dying to know what gender it is.

I also have an Easter Egger in the bunch...it's supposed to be a pullet, too, but it is HUGE. Way bigger than any of the other chickens at 14 weeks. Are they big birds or is it possible that she is a boy, too? That will be my luck...I get a hen to lay pretty eggs and that'll be the one to end up being a rooster. haha!

Here is the Buff Orpington I'm wondering about...

see how big and red the comb is compared to the others

Here is Sephora, my enormous Easter Egger...I thought it would be fun to plant some hostas and marigolds inside the chicken yard...they lasted about 10 minutes! The holes where they once were are now great for dust bathing.

Any opinions are appreciated!! Thank you!

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