14 week old Buff Orpington - Pullets?


10 Years
Mar 26, 2012
Rochester, WA
From my research here on BYC, I now think they are both girls, but they are just so darned different from each other. One (Fiona) is bigger, but her comb is not as dark as the smaller one (Fred). Fiona got big, and she has rounded tail feathers. Fred is smaller, but his? comb got red first and his shanks were HUGE, so I always assumed he was going to be a boy. His tail feathers are smaller and more pointy than Fiona's, and the comb is still more red than hers. They are both 14 weeks old. I got them from a local breeder, they are not hatchery. They are still trying to cluck, but aren't there quite yet.

If Fred's a girl, I'm gonna have to find a new girlie "F" name. Frankie?

Fred on the left, and Fiona on the right

Fiona's tail on the left, and Fred's tail on the right.
Profile body shots including legs would help.

The one with the redder shading I would think might be a roo, but better pics would be so helpful.
They both look cockerels to me. Sometimes Orps develop early and pullets get red a little early but I've never seen a pullet with a comb and wattles that big and red. It also looks like saddle feathers are coming in. Full body pics would help.

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