14 week old silkie x, boy or girl?


9 Years
Sep 25, 2010
Kansas City
I have a 14 week old silkie mix with cochin I think, and 3 silkies. I have no clue what any of them are genderwise. I need to get better pics of the silkies who aren't cooperating. Here are a few pics of my lil mix chick though. He/she has a black single comb. It's also bearded so I don't think there are any wattles but can't really tell. This chick is a lil bully, after a few days in the big girl coop she was pushing my BO's around. I don't see any saddle feathers, but am no chicken expert. No one in my coop is crowing, not even my 18 week old BO roo(who by the way noticeably has to be in the middle of everything).
Any guesses? Or about the silkies in the background? I'll try to get better pics but it's cold and I'm 8 months preg so might be awhile, lol.

I think you have a hen though come pics of the comb might be useful
By the way your roo is adorable! I have a pigeon just like that
Thanks. I will try to get pics of her comb but the feathers are longer than the comb. Hoping she's just a hen with an attitude.
I'm hoping my roo stays quiet, since I'm in city limits and if he annoys the neighbors he'll have to go. He's a sweetie with the kids, even though he's huge and still growing. Never realized how big some chickens get, lol. They came inside a few nights when it got below 0 out and I chickened out and thought they would freeze. My six yr old loved it, although my baby wasn't impressed, lol. She is scared of the black chicken period, loves the silkies, and prefers the BO's to be at a distance.
Silkie cross definatly a pullet!
I don't know if it was just luck or what but I hatched out 6 eggs from a Silkie roo over Production hen, and I got 100% females!

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