Sour Crop ugh


5 Years
Jun 29, 2018
So one of my girls has sour crop.

Or at least I think she does. Her crop is all mushy and soft like a water balloon. I did see her “throw up” (I know chickens don’t throw up) and it smelled rancid. One day she was gagging like a cat with a hairball, if that makes any sense.

She’s eating and drinking and going about normally.

This has been going on for about three weeks which is what I think is strange.

Our vet that used to see our chickens retired.

Any advice?

I’ve been massaging it and she seems to like it but it’s obviously not getting any better.

I know this has probably been discussed in 1000 other threads but I’m just being a little bit lazy right now by starting my own plus I think it’s strange that this has been going on for so long. Everything that I’ve read about sour crop makes it sound like if it’s not treated it is a pretty quick killer.

She is a young chicken about a year old, and no one else is sick.

Thanks in advance!
I was suggested to give them apple cider vinegar when ours was thought to have sour crop.

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