Ended 14th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along—Farthest Shipped Eggs!

Ours are coming from the coop. We are going to try to hatch some french black copper maran crossed with amerucana eggs in hopes of ending up with some olive eggs (the only color we don't have). I seem to fall in love with each rooster I get, which often leads to me getting sexed hatchery stock, so I am praying for either hens or mean roosters! :p
Just read the rules. I am out. Had to set my eggs too early for the Hatch a long. I set on March 14th. Hatch date should be April 4th. Guess I'll see if that Pink Moon thing has any validity at all. Good Luck everyone.
I bought some hatching eggs on a whim on eBay because I couldn’t pass up lavender cuckoo bantam EEs…and realized that last year for the Easter HAL I also got bantam EEs 😆. Guess it’s just the thing I do now for Easter 😆 Should arrive March 16, set on the 17th!

This time from Durham, NC to Sacramento! 27712 to 95608. 😍
Did your eggs come? :fl

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