15 week old SLW roo - dinner! (Pics - graphic/)

Thank you for posting this- I came here looking for info on precisely that situation- I was given 10 males "for warmth" in my hatchery order and now they are all nearing 20 weeks and making my ladies crazy. I've ofen wondered if processing a non-meat breed will be worth it. Looks like the answer is yes. Thanks again!
Oh Boy! I have the red potatoes, onions from the garden and all the seasoning you can find. Got a big ole pot but wait no chicken! The only big chicken I have is my Ameracacuna rooster and he is real tall but only waighs maybe 5lbs. DARN!!! I have been watching craigslist for unwanted roosters. And oh boy did I find some! Big ole roosters. There was 3 of them. But there was some kids that owned them that raised them from babies and they didn't want nothing to happen to them. I would never tell somebody I want hurt hem and they call and ask how the chicken is and uh well... SSSOOO i will keep looking. Thanks for posting! Dusty

OR I have a little barred cochin. She is really short and has the stubbiest legs I think a chicken could have. Shes 2 years old and will come right to me. I might just cook her. But she only weighs about 4lbs. Proabably 3.5lbs is her feathers. So .5lb of meat off of her. I'm just joking. I don't have the heart to kill my momma chicken like that. I honestly don't think anybody could.
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