16 wk old Ameracaunas: Roosters?


11 Years
Oct 25, 2008
Eugene, OR
I was hoping a more experienced person could help me try to identify whether my young ones are in fact female or male. They are about 16 weeks. Only 3 out of the original 6 have made it this far. Originally I got 3 Ameracaunas and 3 Buff Orpingtons. Now, I have 2 Ameracaunas, and 1 Buff. I am pretty certain the Buff is a hen, it is the two Ameracaunas I am wondering about. This is my first time raising chicks to adults.
The two Ameracaunas exhibit different behavior than the Buff. They are more active and jumpy while the Buff is pretty laid back and inquisitive. But their behavior is not as alarming as their larger size and posture, not to mention tail feathers.

Anyway, I expect many of you will be able to tell right off, or perhaps its still early? (wishful thinking). I have not heard any rooster like noises yet.





Easter Egger... Are they hatchery birds? Did you get them from an actual Ameraucana breeder? Here is my EE, Maybel. She looks just like your boy:

It's not..unfortunately so many have NO idea what they have and think all colored eggs are Ameraucana's and Hatcheries don't help by using that term as well-hatcheires don't have Ameraucana's at all...They are 2 totally different breeds Ameraucana being a breed and EE being a Mutt...a very pretty Mutt though...If your looking for a colorful chicken that will hopefully lay a pretty egg they are a perfect breed for fun.
If you do a search on it here on BYC it would take days to read them all HOT topic nearly every day so here we go again
Also check out the feathersite on them they have lots of pictures and links right to the Ameraucana clubs that have pictures of the only allowed standard colors.There are some breeders with "project" colors but they are not recognized by the breed yet therefore are not true by breed standards-I have one of those myself.
Oh yours are EE's sorry..white is a roo other the picture isn't that clear as to the sex but screams EE as well.

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