18 eggs in ameracuana, Duccles, cochin from my frizzle roo


9 Years
Feb 20, 2010
I have 18 eggs in three different kinds of bred. I have mostly ameracuanas and one so far cochin, and three so far duccles. they will be a total of 18 eggs if the cochin give me more eggs I will put that in and the duccles. the chochin is a blue hen standard and the ameracunas are standard But the buff has feather leggs. they are bred to my frizzle standard roo and he is a red brown cochin. the duccles are splash and one white hen which give lavender babies. all are very healthy, pretty brids. I can only put what they give so please dont be upset if there is only one cochin in there cause if that all she has there is not much I can do with that. the shipping is 11.00. will ship when paypment is paid. thank you and happy bidding!
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