18 out of 18 eggs are duds at day 8?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jul 18, 2010
Aspatria, Cumbria
ordered 18 eggs off ebay, i usually have quite a good hatch rate but its day 8 now and after candling the eggs i can see nothing, not even light veins, they just appear to be clear yellow. Im so upset, is there any chance theyre late developers
That does not sound good. You should be able to see something on day 4. You can give it 2 more days, but I doubt you will see anything. You should crack them open to see if they were fertile at all. They should have a fertility disk. Contact the seller and see if they are willing to work with you. I would base the feedback you leave based on that.

I had a bad hatch off ebay too. The moron send me different sized eggs with double yolkers, which never work out in the first place. It looked like the eggs came from 3 different breeds, that many sizes. No extras, and only two made it. It stinks at times. I expect a 30% hatch rate from shipped eggs. Anything less can be attributed to the eggs. I know many blame shipping, but that is not entirely true.

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