1st egg! 19.5 week old Gold Sex Link hen.


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 17, 2013
Forest Grove, OR
I also have an easter egger, same age. They have been acting funny the last few days so I was hoping to see an egg soon. She laid it on the floor of the coop so I need to work on getting her to do it in the spot I made for her. Any tips for that? I have a 5 gal bucket with pine shavings in it for egg laying - an idea I got from here.
I also have an easter egger, same age. They have been acting funny the last few days so I was hoping to see an egg soon. She laid it on the floor of the coop so I need to work on getting her to do it in the spot I made for her. Any tips for that? I have a 5 gal bucket with pine shavings in it for egg laying - an idea I got from here.

Congrats on the egg! Many first timers lay eggs on the floor; they don't realize what it feels like when they have to lay an egg, and aren't at the right place at the right time. It takes them a while to get used to nesting boxes, too. Try enticing them into the box (well, bucket in your case) by putting in a plastic easter egg or some gulf balls. Fill the easter eggs with sand or rocks so they have the same heft as a real egg.

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