1st Egg


May 6, 2015
I was happy to find my first egg in my coop this morning. I had posted last week that I hadn't gotten anything and from advice here, I just had to be patient. At least one of the girls came through this morning.

So now that I have my first egg, I have a question about the bloom and washing the egg. I have read a lot of threads here about washing or not washing and removing the bloom. Seems there are good reasons for doing both. My question is, I guess I assumed there would be a moist membrane that would be washed off which everyone is calling the "bloom". But, of course my egg was dry when I brought it in this morning so there goes that theory. I didn't wash it this morning. If I wash it a day or two after it is laid, will I still wash the bloom off? I guess I am still not clear what it is and if it can still be washed off days later.

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Congratulations on your first egg!

We do not wash our eggs right away, they go straight to the frig. I wash mine as I use them and tell friends and family to do the same.
We don't refrigerate ours and only wash them before use. Any that happen to be dirty are washed and put in the fridge.

The bloom can't be seen.
Congrats! We got our first one this weekend and our second this morning! So exciting!

Anyway, we were told to wait until eating UNLESS you want to do something hard boiled/soft boiled/deviled eggs. These eggs are "too fresh," if you can believe it, which makes it a royal pain to peel a cooked one. So I was told to wash it and leave it on the counter overnight to "stale" it a bit when I know I'm going to want to eat it that way.

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Congrats! We got our first one this weekend and our second this morning! So exciting!

Anyway, we were told to wait until eating UNLESS you want to do something hard boiled/soft boiled/deviled eggs. These eggs are "too fresh," if you can believe it, which makes it a royal pain to peel a cooked one. So I was told to wash it and leave it on the counter overnight to "stale" it a bit when I know I'm going to want to eat it that way.

Yes, it is better to use older eggs for boiled eggs...a really good trick to help farm eggs peel is to add salt to the boiling water...a really good pour from the salt can...maybe 1/8 cup? It really helps them to peel and you don't have to leave them outside to warm first.

As to my eggs...I do as the others, take from nest box and immediately place in fridge. Wash before using in order to leave the bloom in tact on the egg for as long as possible to help preserve the egg. If an egg is really messy from the nest box, I throw it away.

Europe does not allow egg washing and eggs are often stored at room temperature by the home cook. The theory over there is that it forces poultry keepers to keep clean nesting boxes rather than hiding the filth with washing and sanitizing as the US industry does.

An egg left in its bloom can remain fresh at room temperature for a number of weeks. If you want to store eggs, the fridge is best.

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Thanks everyone. The one I have is not really dirty. So, I think I will not wash and then just put in the fridge. I have a spare fridge that is not very full. Mainly use the freezer. I think I will just start keeping the eggs in there. I only have the one so far, but I think right to the fridge will be my plan.
I don't wash and store on counter, they get sold before they get too old.
If they are filthy, I wash then put in fridge to be eaten by me....I don't want dirty eggs in my fridge.
Congrats! We got our first one this weekend and our second this morning! So exciting!

Anyway, we were told to wait until eating UNLESS you want to do something hard boiled/soft boiled/deviled eggs. These eggs are "too fresh," if you can believe it, which makes it a royal pain to peel a cooked one. So I was told to wash it and leave it on the counter overnight to "stale" it a bit when I know I'm going to want to eat it that way.

There's a simple way of hard boiling fresh eggs (I learned about it here on BYC). It's amazing how easy they are to peel fixing them this way.

Put water & salt in a sauce pan. Bring to a boil. Carefully lower your eggs into the boiling water. Boil for 14 minutes. Take them out of the boiling water and immediately put them in ice water. Leave them there until cool.

This has worked for me every time. The shells come off easily and it sure makes for prettier deviled eggs!

Congrats to you and @rbruno on those first eggs!
I'll have to try that! Though usually my hard boiled eggs are just 5 minutes. They go in the water immediately, and then when it starts to boil, I time 5 minutes, and done. I do run them immediately under cold water, though.

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