1st egg ?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jul 28, 2008
Scituate Ma
ok we got out 1st egg today YEAH!!!

We have had them on start and grow medicated until we ran out yesterday and we started them on layena last evening, this does not have anything to do with getting out first egg today does it?
They were all hatched my 10 y.o. class on 5/19
Also how soon after stopping the medicated is it ok to eat the eggs?
could my dog eat it today?

I never feed medicated feed, I think it's completely unnecessary to give antibiotics to healthy animals. And I feel it causes other problems, antibiotic resistant organisms, etc.

But most antibiotics have about a 10 day withdrawal period. You can check by finding out which antibiotic was in your feed (it's usually terramycin) and look up info on that specific drug. You may also be able to look it up on the website of the feed manufacturer.
I had the same issue, are you using purina start and grow medicated (sunfresh)? If so I contacted them and they stated to use the rest of the feed, it will not affect the egg quality, the medicine stays in the gut and is not transferred. The rep stated to not waste and finish the bags no problem. I added oyster shell to the pen for the new layers as a precaution. My eggs going on 2 weeks now are very hard shelled.
The medication is chick starter is not an antibiotic. It treats for coccidia (sp?), which is a parasite. Just FYI.
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