1st time broody hen question


11 Years
Jan 6, 2013
Hello ya'll,
I have a 1st time broody hen thats been sitting on eggs for 5 days now. She will not get off the nest to go eat or her duty. Feel so sorry for her. If I get her off the nest to do her duties will she go back on the nest? Any advice?

Thanks in advance.
Hello ya'll,
I have a 1st time broody hen thats been sitting on eggs for 5 days now. She will not get off the nest to go eat or her duty. Feel so sorry for her. If I get her off the nest to do her duties will she go back on the nest? Any advice?

Thanks in advance.
She should go back to the nest afterwards. I'd get her down for a break.
Yea, I'd just leave her alone. At most, give a quick visual inspection and clean out any accidental poops that might have happened in the nestbox. Could also get a trail camera to watch her as well.

But yea, even new mommas know what they are doing, chickens have had this down to a science for thousands of years.

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