2 chicks from 2 sources


11 Years
Aug 8, 2008
I am getting a chick from one farm, and an older pullet from another farm.

They will be my only 2 chickens.

I'm concerned about bio-security, but there's no way I'm going to be able to separate them from each other once they are here.

Since I don't have an existing flock and have never had birds here, and I know my 2 sources are clean and disease-free, can I just put them together from the start?

I don't plan on getting any more birds until Spring, so these two will be 'quarantined' together all winter.
I don't see any problem with that. Especially since you won't be getting any more birds for a while. It is the chance we take when we don't quarantine some of our birds though. It is all personal choice. Good luck!
The problem is if the pullet is much bigger than the chick she may hurt of injure it introductions are quite difficult often with chickens and they can be quite cruel . I would be very careful introducing them.

that should be ok I guess how old is the other pullet? It would be great if they were close in size that makes everything much easier then they can just battle it out and no one will get to badly hurt.

I'm not sure what size the pullet is -- haven't chosen her yet. If she's 4-5 months old, how much bigger will she be ? (can you tell I'm new at this??)
she will be quite a bit bigger and that may be a problem so I am not sure what the best course of action would be for you why are you buying from two different sources why not just one source?

Maybe both will be lonely and accept each other because there is no one else to keep them company!
If you can put them in a place where you can at least put some poultry fencing between them for a few days and let them get used to each other, it would help. Or give the little chick a place to hide and get away from the bigger girl for a while.

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