2 coops, 2 runs, one outdoor, fenced shared space


In the Brooder
Aug 28, 2020
Northern California

current flock- 2cockerels 2 pullets. (Bought 4 pullets.... 2 weren’t pullets)
i have 2 coops, 2 small runs, and 1 big shared area. (see pictures) They all go into one coop to sleep together right now.

I would like to get more pullets and keep the 2 cockerels. Would they go to their own coops at Night if I trained them to? Or would they all try to crowd into one coop?
They can stay in their own coop if trained. Just keep them in the coop/run for a couple of weeks and they'll eventually associate it as their new home. I have a setup like yours and both flocks go to their own coop.
Your photos did not make it, at least I don't see them.

I've had both happen. Often the stay apart but sometimes they will move into one coop at night. The hens are not very loyal to their rooster, if you hatch eggs either boy could be the father. Sometimes the boys fight, sometimes they get along great. You can certainly try that and it might work but the only way to be sure and a way to resolve issues is to keep a permanent fence between them.
I have two coops, they each have their own run, but I let everyone free range together. So far they each go back to their own coop at night, we've been doing this for about 2 months now. I don't have any roosters, just 4 pullets in one coop and 8 in the other.

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