2 day old chicks


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 22, 2014
Hi guys.
I have 4 chickens.
One was realy broody and keeps sitting the others eggs.i tried breaking her .but I didn't like doing it.it did work for 6 weeks but shes back to sitting the eggs.so I bought 3 fertile eggs.two have hatched and doing well.but the 3rdstruggled.after 24 hours of struggling to get out of the shell.i helped.any how the chick is two days old now.still isn't on its feet like the other two .its wings are sprawled out as well.ive tried helping it over to the food but it just falls omits side and can't right itself .havent seen it eat yet either.
Does any body know what this could be or have any suggestions on what I could do.many thanks
Im not sure what it is but in the past when my chicks do that they are usually dead in about 3 days but you could get some sav a chick electrolytes and put in their water and make it drink the water that might help it
I thought it possibly won't make it.
Its still chirping away and bright eyes.
I will give that a go though.give it a chance at least.thanks
my leghorn was like that and then a bought Johnson's poultry tonic which gives them all the vitamins and minerals they need and in a few days of adding it in their water she was able to walk around like the rest of the chicks.

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