2 different hatching times.. how do I work out Lockdown?

Get another incubator to use as a hatcher. I do staggered hatches. I have one incubator and several styrofoam incubators I use as hatchers. I just had a hatch on Sunday. I have other hatches due on Oct. 18th, Oct. 29th, Nov. 2nd and saving up eggs for another hatch.
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But, I don't think it would be possible to get another incubator for a hatcher by tomorrow. Could I remove the eggs that were set later and put them in something with a light and keep track of the temperature until the others are through hatching? Or should I just keep them all together and hope for the best?
If your incubator is in a room with a steady temperature, you can try just removing the hatched chicks after they're dried and fluffy and putting them in a brooder under a light. I ended up doing that since my hatch was spread out for five days. It was supposed to be only two days - but some hatched early and some hatched late. I just got the brooder ready and opened the incubator just enough to reach in quickly to remove the hatched chicks. The temperature never wavered more than one degree and the humidity stayed high.

If you don't have another incubator to use as the hatcher, that's about all you can do. But it worked okay for me. Good luck!
I have eight eggs in the incubator. And thanks CarolJ for the advice, I think I will just do that as the temperature has been fairly steady and I have a nice brooder setup.

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