2 eggs per day... Is this even possible??


10 Years
Jun 20, 2009
I have exactly 1 Americauna. She's about 21 or so weeks old. Nearly every day for the last 2 weeks she has presented us with 2 perfect, pretty, little green eggs each day! She lays in an upper level nest box that's like 3 feet off the ground with a fairly thin layer of pine shavings (I need to comfy up their boxes but spare time is at a premium lately) so I'm sure she's not hiding some and bringing them out later.

My other girls are 1 elderly BO, 2 middle aged RIRs, 1 VERY geriatric Americauna who hasn't laid in a couple years and laid maybe one huge, rough, thin shelled egg every few months before quitting so I know the extra egg isn't hers, 2 20 wk Golden Lace Wyandottes and 1 20 wk Amberlink.

This seems interesting!

One of my silkies occasionally lays two eggs in one day but one is usually smaller than normal. I incubated both that were laid on the same day from her and they both hatched healthy which surprised me. I expected the smaller one to have no yolk or not develop...I was wrong!

As for laying two of them every day that are the same size, I have no idea!

Yes I know it's possible for them to lay twice in one day every so often but every day is new to me.

I'm following this along out of curiosity :)
Nearly every day for the last 2 weeks she has presented us with 2 perfect, pretty, little green eggs each day!
How little?
Pics with quarter for scale, please.
Definitely open a few.
Pretty odd for a bird to lay 2 hard shelled eggs a day for that long, if at all.

My other girls are 1 elderly BO, 2 middle aged RIRs, 1 VERY geriatric Americauna
What are these terms in months or years?
My coturnix girl is laying two a day for the past 3 days, I’ve cracked them and there fertile. They are both same size just one seems a little thinner any ideas

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