2 embryo in 1 egg? Please look at picture

Today has been awful for me, the medicine is kicking in today and I feel like my entire body is spinning and weighed down with bricks :(
The babies are doing great, I just can't take care of them today, I think I need to hatch another me next time
I will do my best to keep everyone updated I love reading all the comments and sweet words of support and encouragement!

You CAN do it Lucy :hugs
From Lucy...



It took me all day to find the energy to do this but all is well with the ducks :)


Look what 1 of my friends got me, duck leggings! By far the cutest thing ever
Lucy, I have no children but I am old enough that if I did have kids, I would like to think she would be a lot like you. Generous, kindhearted, stubborn and determined with a lot of spunk and sass. And courageous. I forgot courageous. You are going to get through this and we are going to stay here to be your cheering squad and support group.

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