2 embryo in 1 egg? Please look at picture

Sitting at chemo reading all the sweet comments has certainly helped make this day better. I can't even begin to describe how much all the support means. And all the GREAT advice on healthy eating, it amazes me that a total stranger would take the time to type all that out, it truly means the world to me! The 6 pack and the call ducks are definitely helping as well but taking a toll on me :( my mind doesn't want to be on the same level with my body most days. I will do my best to keep everyone posted and when I can't Ravynfallon will be my voice !! Love her to pieces, heck I love all y'all!! Happy Friday the 13th
Sitting at chemo reading all the sweet comments has certainly helped make this day better. I can't even begin to describe how much all the support means. And all the GREAT advice on healthy eating, it amazes me that a total stranger would take the time to type all that out, it truly means the world to me! The 6 pack and the call ducks are definitely helping as well but taking a toll on me :( my mind doesn't want to be on the same level with my body most days. I will do my best to keep everyone posted and when I can't Ravynfallon will be my voice !! Love her to pieces, heck I love all y'all!! Happy Friday the 13th

Sitting at chemo reading all the sweet comments has certainly helped make this day better. I can't even begin to describe how much all the support means. And all the GREAT advice on healthy eating, it amazes me that a total stranger would take the time to type all that out, it truly means the world to me! The 6 pack and the call ducks are definitely helping as well but taking a toll on me :( my mind doesn't want to be on the same level with my body most days. I will do my best to keep everyone posted and when I can't Ravynfallon will be my voice !! Love her to pieces, heck I love all y'all!! Happy Friday the 13th


Always know that there are people all over the place thinking of you and wishing you well!
Lucy, I started reading this thread yesterday and have thoroughly enjoyed the trip! Those duckies are SO cute, and it makes me want to get some someday soon (sshh, DH might be listening). :gig  I am very sad to hear that you are battling cancer, my husband's grandmother is currently in her 2nd year of cancer treatments to try to catch the cancer that has ravaged her entire body.  She lost so much weight and is fighting to eat enough to keep her going. I cannot imagine what it must be like to have to fight like that, and I am happy that you have the little hatchlings to keep your spirits up!
I know I am a complete stranger to you, and I am not going to preach, but I feel like I would be doing you a disservice if I did not at least mention something I think might help you.  Check out the Gerson Therapy on the internet, there's also some good documentaries about it on Netflix (or documentaries that mention it). It's a pretty interesting approach to a cancer therapy, and at least as far as I can see doesn't appear to be something that would hurt you to try.  It focuses on juicing organic fruits and vegetables and making that a main portion of your diet, along with organic grains.  I don't see why a person couldn't try it along with their doctor's cancer treatment.  There's also some stuff in there about supplements and enemas, but I bet just changing your diet to strictly organic (must be organic) fruits, vegetables and grains would go a long way to at least making you feel better. Who knows.  Of course, with diabetes you would probably want to stick to whole fruits instead of juicing fruits, for the lower sugar content.  I have always told my husband if we ever have to go through a cancer treatment, that's what I will try first.  The documentaries are pretty eye opening. The one called Food Matters is pretty good. Also, The Gerson Miracle.
You'll get through this, girl, and there will be some handsome and beautiful ducks waiting for you on the other side of it all! Praying for you. :hugs

Thank you so much for all the informative advice!!

My husband and his new babies

My husband and his new babies
I love that picture to pieces!! I've totally lost track of this thread, just reading this page i find out that the call ducks have hatched, now to read back some pages and find out everything i have missed.

Hope everyone is doing great

Im a little excited over here, my eggs are in lockdown and there is at least one internal pip i hear..
I love that picture to pieces!! I've totally lost track of this thread, just reading this page i find out that the call ducks have hatched, now to read back some pages and find out everything i have missed. 

Hope everyone is doing great :hugs

Im a little excited over here, my eggs are in lockdown and there is at least one internal pip i hear..

Good for you :) enjoy your new babies!!
I remember giving the name "Duck Chronicals" to this thread when my husband asked what I was reading so intensely.
The Duck Chronicles, is in reality, a true story of a brave Woman birthing ducks; and then she meets ducks; and then she shares ducks with us, all the while this woman Lucy, is fighting cancer, while caring for ducks, and most importantly, I visually can see this Woman, LUCY, kicking cancer's *** because of this beautiful dynamic between her ducks and and all of these awesome supporters right here on the DC.....Our own reality is right here. I feel like we are all family including those ducks that we all prayed for during their births, and we pray for you Lucy, our cancer fighting warrior.You are our fearless, kick-*** warrior sister that inspires us to keep battling with you and for you!!
This is what I tell my husband when he wants supper and clean clothes!! I have my priorities and one of them is that I have a need to support my Duck CHRONICLES. So much better than some creepy TV reality show....Here there is a warm gathering of the Royal Order Of Feathered Warriors Sisterhood...And of course any supporting awesome husbands and other men that might meet the standard of excellence of all the strong women who gather here to support one another and obcess over baby birds coming into the world. I am proud to be part of this bunch. Lucy, we hold you up and pray for God to heal you. The DC and Feathered Warriors Sisterhood stands strong for you. .
Rare is this Duck Chronicles thread, where the members show up, genuinely concerned for each other and the need to draw breaths of inspiration from our daily dose of smiles and hugs....And sometimes tears. All is well here at the Duck Chronicles... our solace and gathering of our flock.
Blessings and strong quacks to all.
Prayers and Blessings to our sister LUCY.

Kathy in OK

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