2 embryo in 1 egg? Please look at picture

I remember giving the name "Duck Chronicals" to this thread when my husband asked what I was reading so intensely.
The Duck Chronicles, is in reality, a true story of a brave Woman birthing ducks; and then she meets ducks; and then she shares ducks with us, all the while this woman Lucy, is fighting cancer, while caring for ducks, and most importantly, I visually can see this Woman, LUCY, kicking cancer's *** because of this beautiful dynamic between her ducks and and all of these awesome supporters right here on the DC.....Our own reality is right here. I feel like we are all family including those ducks that we all prayed for during their births, and we pray for you Lucy, our cancer fighting warrior.You are our fearless, kick-*** warrior sister that inspires us to keep battling with you and for you!!
This is what I tell my husband when he wants supper and clean clothes!! I have my priorities and one of them is that I have a need to support my Duck CHRONICLES. So much better than some creepy TV reality show....Here there is a warm gathering of the Royal Order Of Feathered Warriors Sisterhood...And of course any supporting awesome husbands and other men that might meet the standard of excellence of all the strong women who gather here to support one another and obcess over baby birds coming into the world. I am proud to be part of this bunch. Lucy, we hold you up and pray for God to heal you. The DC and Feathered Warriors Sisterhood stands strong for you. .
Rare is this Duck Chronicles thread, where the members show up, genuinely concerned for each other and the need to draw breaths of inspiration from our daily dose of smiles and hugs....And sometimes tears. All is well here at the Duck Chronicles... our solace and gathering of our flock.
Blessings and strong quacks to all.
Prayers and Blessings to our sister LUCY.

Kathy in OK

I don't even know what to say to that sweet post, I was reading it thinking it was a story and then I realized it was about me. I had to get my glasses to be sure, and was smiling through tears. Never in a million years would I have thought I would have my biggest support system on a website. So very few people know I'm sick, for many reasons, so this just HELPS me feel like I have more reasons to keep going. Today was awful, I started a new treatment and it's making me feel terrible , thankfully I have Ravynfallon to text and vent to about how much I hate this :( but I have the babies (ducks) and my 5 children, my grandchildren, my husband and my friends to fight for. Thank you so much for such sweet words! I'm not very good at stuff like this so just know that what you said was much needed tonight. You truly left me speechless!
So well said @peepsiechix :thumbsup

:hugs @lucysducks11 if you ever need more kind words and sentiment you should check out sumi's thread 'quotes and thoughts for the day' it's a very warm and welcoming thread

I managed to get a picture of Friday, yes I named her after 1 of my sweet ladies on here ( idk how to tag people)
Also have a Liz and Ginger and a few more to show but will have to have Ravynfallon post them. I couldn't resist not turning on my data to post this one, it was a once in a lifetime shot!! Friday makes Saturday lovely!!
I was so happy that I had the energy to go out and spend time with the 6 pack and the BYC PACK :)

I managed to get a picture of Friday, yes I named her after 1 of my sweet ladies on here ( idk how to tag people)
Also have a Liz and Ginger and a few more to show but will have to have Ravynfallon post them. I couldn't resist not turning on my data to post this one, it was a once in a lifetime shot!! Friday makes Saturday lovely!!
I was so happy that I had the energy to go out and spend time with the 6 pack and the BYC PACK
Beautiful photo! You should enter that in the calendar contest next year!

I managed to get a picture of Friday, yes I named her after 1 of my sweet ladies on here ( idk how to tag people)
Also have a Liz and Ginger and a few more to show but will have to have Ravynfallon post them. I couldn't resist not turning on my data to post this one, it was a once in a lifetime shot!! Friday makes Saturday lovely!!
I was so happy that I had the energy to go out and spend time with the 6 pack and the BYC PACK
I totally agree with @SilkiesForEver i great photo for sure!!!
Love them all!!!
and thanks for the name too, totally unexpected

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Oh my goodness, that is an amazing picture! I've been thinking of you every day even when I don't comment
Hubby has been gone for 2 weeks on training and I've got 3 kiddos and 4 quail eggs on lockdown and part time work. I was so busy and exhausted I got mastitis. It was too much for my immune system, and I ended up putting in my 2 weeks notice. Hubs is home for the long weekend and then he has 3 more weeks gone. I start my final semester of nursing school on Tuesday, and it's been stressful for sure. Reading your posts always gives me a boost. You're so encouraging and optimistic even when things are rough. I'm definitely happy to have found your thread, and I'm rooting for you and praying for you. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. I got 2 tiny coturnix hatchlings between last night and this morning, so if you want pictures of TINY TINY hatchlings, let me know!
Hi cshma11,
I for one would love to see your hatchlings!! Yes. Please share photos!!
Welcome to the DC's and feel free to share with us. It's a super awesome bunch here that loves little birds and one another.

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