2 embryo in 1 egg? Please look at picture

I remember giving the name "Duck Chronicals" to this thread when my husband asked what I was reading so intensely.
The Duck Chronicles, is in reality, a true story of a brave Woman birthing ducks; and then she meets ducks; and then she shares ducks with us, all the while this woman Lucy, is fighting cancer, while caring for ducks, and most importantly, I visually can see this Woman, LUCY, kicking cancer's *** because of this beautiful dynamic between her ducks and and all of these awesome supporters right here on the DC.....Our own reality is right here. I feel like we are all family including those ducks that we all prayed for during their births, and we pray for you Lucy, our cancer fighting warrior.You are our fearless, kick-*** warrior sister that inspires us to keep battling with you and for you!!
This is what I tell my husband when he wants supper and clean clothes!! I have my priorities and one of them is that I have a need to support my Duck CHRONICLES. So much better than some creepy TV reality show....Here there is a warm gathering of the Royal Order Of Feathered Warriors Sisterhood...And of course any supporting awesome husbands and other men that might meet the standard of excellence of all the strong women who gather here to support one another and obcess over baby birds coming into the world. I am proud to be part of this bunch. Lucy, we hold you up and pray for God to heal you. The DC and Feathered Warriors Sisterhood stands strong for you. .
Rare is this Duck Chronicles thread, where the members show up, genuinely concerned for each other and the need to draw breaths of inspiration from our daily dose of smiles and hugs....And sometimes tears. All is well here at the Duck Chronicles... our solace and gathering of our flock.
Blessings and strong quacks to all.
Prayers and Blessings to our sister LUCY.

Kathy in OK

Kathy that was beautiful! And I ditto everything you said. Your in my prayers LUCY.
Oh Lucy I just saw that photo of your hand. If I could absorb that pain for you I would. I'm pretty tough like you and I wish you could just send it my way for a day. Praying for you and the nurse, I'm sure she felt terrible.
Greetings all my sweet friends, I wanted to take some time and let everyone know how much I appreciate all your sweet words! Today was hard, I'm sore from surgery and was so nauseous last night it hurt to even move

Plus I lost most of my long hair yesterday so I had a small breakdown then a funeral for my beautiful long hair
I decided I could cry and be sad and get no where or just go on and cut it off , so that's what I did, 18 inches gone..When I am feeling confident I will have Ravynfallon post a picture. I have avoided mirrors today

I have chemo tomorrow and Wednesday and Friday so by the weekend I'll probably be bald, so will be looking forward to my feathered head dress...

Thanks for all the sweet comments! You all make this easy... Xoxoxo

Lucy you will look beautiful bald.
Sad to report that the 6 pack is minus one
went down to feed them and do a head count since I didn't get out of bed yesterday and sadly one was missing. I walked the pond twice, mustered up the energy and got into the canoe and paddled out to the Island, no baby there either..Not sure what happened, don't even want to imagine what happened or think about it. I'm so mad at myself for being to tired to take care of them like I know they need. I tried to get the remaining 5 to come out of the water so I could put them in the pin but they weren't having it. No more 6 pack
we are now Lucy's 5

She's with the other twin in duck heaven.
Hi everyone. Just checking in. Hang in there Lucy! Sorry your port was delayed but much better than uncontrolled bleeding!

I'm super busy until mid-March with work, and this week we are babysitting our grandkids in Denver.

Thinking of you, even if I'm not around much to post.
Oh Lucy I just saw that photo of your hand. If I could absorb that pain for you I would. I'm pretty tough like you and I wish you could just send it my way for a day. Praying for you and the nurse, I'm sure she felt terrible.

My hand is much better thank goodness that was rather painful , I wouldn't wish that on anyone ( well maybe my ex husband but he was a jerk )
Hi everyone. Just checking in. Hang in there Lucy! Sorry your port was delayed but much better than uncontrolled bleeding!

I'm super busy until mid-March with work, and this week we are babysitting our grandkids in Denver.

Thinking of you, even if I'm not around much to post.

It's all good :) I'm not going anywhere, unless I win the lottery and then I may disappear for a little while.. Enjoy your grandbabies, mine will be back home for good in June... I can't wait!!
Lucy you will look beautiful bald.

I was fully prepared to mourn the rest of my hair once I started treatment 3 times a week but luckily I have not lost much hair since I cut it. I did go to a wig shop and looked around and discovered Clip in hair extensions which were perfect for me until I need a full on wig, which I could never ever afford because they were over a thousand dollars :( so I may have to rock a bald head after I , if I lose anymore hair. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that that part has passed since I cut so much off, plus I have hair growing in the bald spots so that's a good sign... Now if my eyelashes and eyebrows would stop falling out that would be nice...Fake eyelashes are a pain to put on...

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