2 embryo in 1 egg? Please look at picture


Not a thing wrong with that, considering all you have on your plate.

I'm dealing with a leaky coop roof and facing replacing the roof. Never rains but it pours, no pun intended, lol.

You enjoy yourself today, get some fresh air, enjoy the duckies.
So, just saw where Lucy (Wendy) is stuck on her island after the canoe floated away. Angry geese are hissing at her! She says the wind is pushing the canoe back to her though...
My adventure almost turned into an episode of when animals attack, 3 nesting geese were not at all happy to see me walking around checking nests. So I decided to leave and my canoe is gone??? All the way on the bank...And I'm home alone, so I have honking and hissing geese who are putting their heads down charging me and no escape..My neighbor tried to help but the wind was too much so he left :(
Luckily my husband came home and after he regained himself from laughing at me he was able to get the canoe to me.. just in time for me to twist my knee and fall in the water breaking 1 of the 3 eggs I found that my calls laid :(
What a day :lau
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Sounds like something that would happen to me, right down to the twisting of the knee. It also sounds like an episode out of one of those survival programs on National Geographic Channel.
So, just saw where Lucy (Wendy) is stuck on her island after the canoe floated away. Angry geese are hissing at her! She says the wind is pushing the canoe back to her though...

What a fiasco, and then my boot started quacking because I posted on FB I was stuck so my friends start calling and my ringtone is ducks quacking (shocking I know) and oh my goose, that seriously ticked off the hissing one..She came at me and got whacked with the paddle... She's ok, just needed to show her shoes island she was on...Dang things are no joke...
Sounds like something that would happen to me, right down to the twisting of the knee. It also sounds like an episode out of one of those survival programs on National Geographic Channel. 

I was soacked to the Bone, my canoe was full of water for some reason and with the geese charging me it was all I could handle...And I have jacka** on the bank laughing so hard he's no help... SMH...

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