2 embryo in 1 egg? Please look at picture


How's your garden doing FridayYet? Mine is suffering from too much wet and not enough warm sunshine.
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Just checking in, today was a better day, I have been extremely sick plus down in the dumps with the reality of losing my Peepaw. I haven't had the heart to share very much information about my health because I was so ready to be done but Unfortunately I still had cancer cells in my last visit. I'm doing oral chemo everyday which is worse than having it intravenous. I'm not going to give up or complain too much, just got discouraged over the set back.
I did have a new baby hatch today and that made me happy. I hope everyone is well, so sorry I have been so quiet :(
Just checking in, today was a better day, I have been extremely sick plus down in the dumps with the reality of losing my Peepaw. I haven't had the heart to share very much information about my health because I was so ready to be done but Unfortunately I still had cancer cells in my last visit. I'm doing oral chemo everyday which is worse than having it intravenous. I'm not going to give up or complain too much, just got discouraged over the set back.
I did have a new baby hatch today and that made me happy. I hope everyone is well, so sorry I have been so quiet :(

:hugs :hugs So sorry to hear that.
Just checking in, today was a better day, I have been extremely sick plus down in the dumps with the reality of losing my Peepaw. I haven't had the heart to share very much information about my health because I was so ready to be done but Unfortunately I still had cancer cells in my last visit. I'm doing oral chemo everyday which is worse than having it intravenous. I'm not going to give up or complain too much, just got discouraged over the set back.
I did have a new baby hatch today and that made me happy. I hope everyone is well, so sorry I have been so quiet
Hi LUCY!!!!!!!

Missed you
so sorry to hear about your peepaw
and of course feeling like poop

maybe this will make you giggle

this is my incubator

and i got my first duck egg:

Yeah, you've got twins.
It's hard for them to hatch, though, so make sure you can help.
Hope it all works out!
Well Lucy you have another namesake duckling. Yesterday morning my DH went out and found 4 of our 5 ducklings drowned in the pool
One was still hanging on but barely we got her warmed back up and once she was back up to temperature and eating/drinking she went back out with mom and is doing good! So her name is Lucy cuz she put up quite a fight and pulled through!!!!


Meet Lucy!

OMG I am honored to know you named her after me!! Even if I don't make it my legacy will be strong through ducks , dogs and chicken's
I intend on beating this even if I have days where I feel like giving up. I'm so sorry to hear about the others, I learned that the hard way , that ducks don't always float, I almost drowned one of mine the same way, letting them swim and it got weighed down from the water. Luckily it's peeping was frantic enough for me to go check on it and sure enough, the little guy was sinking :(
It's a learning process for sure.
Thank you for the legacy duck. That made my day!

How's your garden doing FridayYet? Mine is suffering from too much wet and not enough warm sunshine.

Oh it's going.  Decided to put up a permanent fence out of hog panels and arches out of cattle panels.  Want to build a tunnel for my cucumbers and mini pumpkins, but can't decide how I want to do it.  If course it's really hot today so I'm waiting for it to cool off to go back out. Really need to get more stuff in the ground!

(Will post a pic in a sec.)

Just checking in, today was a better day, I have been extremely sick plus down in the dumps with the reality of losing my Peepaw. I haven't had the heart to share very much information about my health because I was so ready to be done but Unfortunately I still had cancer cells in my last visit. I'm doing oral chemo everyday which is worse than having it intravenous. I'm not going to give up or complain too much, just got discouraged over the set back.

I did have a new baby hatch today and that made me happy. I hope everyone is well, so sorry I have been so quiet :(

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Glad today was a better day. :hugs  Don't expect you to post when you are feeling down, so really glad you were able to check in today.  How long is this course of chemo going to last?  We'll be with you all the way.

PS: Congrats on the new baby!
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Lucysducks11. Sorry to hear the not so good news. Hope you pick up quick. Some days are better than others. One of my neighbors shot and killed my favorite dog last Thursday, broke my
. But I did have 5 of 6 chicken eggs hatch. So, there's always good and bad. Like you, I'm trying to focus on the good. (my problems are rice compared to cancer and family of course) I'll say a prayer for you

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