2 hatched! more on the way!!! UPDATE!


12 Years
Jan 1, 2008
Well as I said in a previous post I came home to the incubator dry and the humidity at 10% and to my surprise an egg pipping! I was taken by surprise because it was not time or I guess I just lost track of time and didn't think I was getting that close to Hatch day!!

Well one started to pip and when I woke up this morning one had hatched out, but the one that had pipped hadn't made any progress. Against my better judgement I inspected the egg and it ws stuck and like glued in the egg and so I helped it. NO BLOOD, it was ready! The poor chick was stuck in there because the membranes dried out. I pipped it the rest of the way around and removed the top of the egg and with in a few minutes the chick got out and got up and started to try and walk around! It was fine!! YAY. I left for work and one other egg was pipping. I had a total of 11 eggs in the bator. Old English (3), Silkies (3) naken necks (2) and RIR (3). So far 2 old english hatched out and one silkie had pipped. I am staying at my moms house because I have to work, but dh is going home and will inform me if more hatched!

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thanks! yes I got my humidity up to 55-59%. I did that immediately because I looked in the window and saw the humidity at 10%. When I opened the lid to add more water I heard a peeping! I was caught off gaurd because I had been gone for 36 hours working (I work 12 hour shifts in a town 30 miles away so a lot of times I stay at my moms house so I can save on gas) I came home and found my eggs hatching! I was excited becase usually time drags on and on and on.

My seb. goslings are due to hatch out around the 20th!!! Oh I am so excited!
UPDATE!!!! 6 eggs hatched out out of 11 so far and dh says one more had pipped and two eggs were rock'n and rolling still!!! hmmm does any one know if silkie or old english eggs hatch out sooner than 21 days?
dh just called and said one more hatched out!! but two of the chicks are picking on the others, should I seperate them? Geez barely a day old and already getting fiesty, lol.
looks like 7 it is. The final count was 3 Old English, 3 silkie and 1 rir.


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