2 Magnolias Egg Company

2 Magnolias Egg

Jun 9, 2020
Hello everyone! We are 2 Magnolias Egg Company. TBH, we just love having our chickens and enjoyed providing eggs for our friends during the pandemic. My daughters help me take care of the chickens, and I appreciate the avenue to bond with them. We got a piece of land outside of Nashville, and have a growing flock. There are 3 Easter Eggers (sex tbd, but you can help give your opinion on another thread I started), 3 buff orpington, 2 Bared Rock, 1 Jersey Giant. We also have 3 different ducks, two of which are egg layers.

We are in the process of building a super coop for the chickens, the ducks have already moved into their new Quack Shack.

Thanks for everyone's help!
I'm EGGcited, that you came to our forums. :D

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