2 new chicks,what do I do?HELP!


11 Years
Mar 24, 2008
Maggie Valley, NC
i am new to this forum and i need some anwsers cause i'm scared and do not live on a farm and i just recieved 2 new baby chicks i am told they are a couple of weeks old. One was hit by my bratty neice, is it hurt? it acts fine.... the other one has diahhrea(whatever). Why does it have diahhrea? HELP!
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Do you have a brooder for your chicks? If not, you need to put them in a brooder with wood shavings, waterer and feeding bowl or dish, light to maintain heat of about 90-100 degrees. You can use a rubbermaid container, small child's swimming pool, some folks use a dog or cat crate. You need to feed them chick starter grower feed. My chicks have runny loose stools and I don't worry about it as long as they are given feed that is medicated. You decrease the temperature each week as they will be fully feathered by 5-8 weeks old. Keep their water and feed clean and always on hand for them to eat and drink. Be sure to get a thermometer so you can monitor their heat inside the brooder. Keep the wood shavings clean. I used to clean my wood shavings every other day, but that is because I had 15 chicks. They should do well. Good Luck with your new baby chicks.
thank you so much!
excuse my ignorance what is a brooder? there in a carboard box with shavings as their bedding and a stuffie to cudddle with and a light and a hot jar covered with a napkin.with water and chicken feed that i was given. what weather do they need to be in? its 70 down here in florida plus under the lights. but i thought when their older then 1week they can be in colder weather. i have a jucuzzi should i put them in a container and let them float in it?
A brooder is just a temporary housing for chicks while they are growing. If you look on the site "raising baby chicks" there is a forum with a lot of folk's pictures of their brooders. The cardboard box should be just fine for now. They will get bigger and will start to try to fly out and that is when you put them in a coop. Florida can't be any warmer than where I'm located on the Gulf Coast here in Texas.
what weather do they need to be in? its 70 down here in florida plus under the lights. but i thought when their older then 1week they can be in colder weather. i have a jucuzzi should i put them in a container and let them float in it? why is he diaherring????

What are you feeding them exactly? That may be the answer to your diarrhea question.

They should start at 95 degrees and then 5 degrees less each week of their life.
I don't think I would put them in the jacuzzi. They do need to be in at least 90 degree temp. right now. Next week decrease to 85 and then so on. Did you click on "Raising Baby Chicks" and look at the pictures of the brooders? I have no idea why your chick has the runs, be sure the feed is medicated. Your chick may just need some vitamins, you can get some medication and vitamins at your local feed store or hardware store to put in their water. Try that.

What are you feeding them exactly? That may be the answer to your diarrhea question.

They should start at 95 degrees and then 5 degrees less each week of their life.

thanx! i have no idea i am told its chicken feed, its grainy.excuse my ignorance. could he die from this?
Be sure the feed is chick feed, too. If it's adult food, I imagine that wuldn't be good, either. Is the diarrhea red or bloody at all?
If you have them on sugar water stop and only give them clear water. If they have never been on sugar water the runny poop could be a sign the chick got chilled or was severly stressed. Keep the poop cleaned off the butt - even use some vaseline to prevent it from sticking to the chick after you get it cleaned up. Keep them warm, well fed and they should pull through fine for you. I f the runny poop continues offer the chicks a teaspoon of cooked white rice or oatmeal to see if that will help tighten it up. Not too much though. You don't want to over tax and already stressed system. Make sure they both are eating plenty chick starter crumbles.

They will grow quickly and eventually try to fly so you might want to change them to a deeper box and a wire lid. Keep a heat lamp on them and watch for stress. if they are too hot they will stay far form the light, too they will huddle under it. Listen to them and they will tell you what they need.

Have fun with those chicks!

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