2 questions about Coturnix Quail


Southside Silkie Shack
10 Years
Jun 18, 2009
SW Ohio
Ok I lied I have 3 questions,once you can see there little beak poke thru the egg is there a noraml amount of time it takes them to get out of the shell and at what age do they start to fly and is it mean to keep them in a cage indoors all the time? Dont' they need the fresh air?
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I really think there are no less than 4 questions here, but I'm not counting

Let me answer #3 first. "Is it mean to keep them in a cage indoors all the time?". Absolutely YES! Realistically, NO!

#4 "Don't they need the fresh air?" YES! Every animal needs fresh air.

#1 " once you can see there little beak poke thru the egg is there a noraml amount of time it takes them to get out of the shell?" It depends, My normal amount of time from early pip to hatch is about 4 days. 14-18 days.

#2 "what age do they start to fly?" Well, this also depends, but they mature really fast, and depending on variables, like brooding techniques, feeding and the like....They can conceivably jump and fly over a 4 foot barrier at 10 days of age or maybe even less.
That doesn't mean that they will do it, they just most likley can do it.
You really have to brood them in a box with a top.

Hope this helps.


Edit follows.
I forgot to ask if you were asking because you are thinking about raising some indoors. If that is the case, then yes you can.
Also here is a great thread about coturnix quail. https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=102281
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