2 Roosters need re-homing - Elkview, WV RIR and Exotic Breed 7 mths old


In the Brooder
Apr 23, 2015
Kanawha County, WV
RIR and Exotic Breed roosters need to be re-homed. I have 3 roosters and 14 hens....too many roosters for my hens and my hens are worn out....lol! These roosters are good tempered and healthy. They were hatched in June at Murray McMurray Hatchery and I've raised them since they were 3 days old. Prefer not to harvest them and want to find them a good home. They've become like pets. Located in Elkview, WV about 10 miles north of Charleston.

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Your exotic looks like a Salmon Faverolle. Beautiful boy! If he was your free chick, you were much luckier in that lottery than I was. Man, if I weren't on the other side of the country. . . . But best of luck to them both.
Hello. I actually live in Charleston on the west side hill. I have one rir hen. I sure wish it was spring...I could build a new coop for the two of them. Nice seeing someone local here. I also have americaunas and black copper marans.

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