2 week old chick with limp wing


Mar 2, 2018
Newman, CA
Today I noticed one of our 2 week old welsummer chicks was laying around more then usual and when she would walk she would only take a couple steps and sit back down. I noticed one of her wings with hanging lower and being dragged. When she lays down it points at a weird angle. We took her out of the brooder and gave her some nutridrench. This is also how we discovered that her wing was bothering her because of how tender it was. After the nutridrench she went back to eating and drinking. She hasn't been loudly peeping either. We did notice when we put her back in the other 2 week old welsummer started pecking the bad wing. Is it possible it is just hurt from the other chick? There was no sore/blood on her wing area. What else should we be doing to help her or is this nothing to really worry about? Any help will be appreciated. Thank you!
Is it getting new wing feathers in? It can take a few days for them to develop the muscles to hold them up.
Is it getting new wing feathers in? It can take a few days for them to develop the muscles to hold them up.
Yeah hers are coming in still. Hopefully it's that. I was just worried because of her laying around so much. Here is a picture we just took when we were examining her.


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