2 week old Standard Brahma with Lameness/Balance issues

I'm glad to hear she is a little better. It is good that she was vaccinated for Mareks. Sometimes vaccines do fail--some say as much as 10% of the time with Mareks. Also, if someone has had Mareks in their flock, then vaccinates chicks, those chicks must be kept isolated from any contaminated area for 1-2 weeks while developing immunity. I am so hoping it is just a vitamin issue--they are pretty common in chicks.
I can't tell that she's made any progress today. Still eating/drinking on her own but spending a majority of her time laying in the corner of her fenced off area watching the other girls run around. Her cocci test came back negative so that's awesome :) Was just hoping for more improvement after 3 days on polyvisol. Can someone advise me on adding it to yogurt (which kind of yogurt, how much, what type of container to offer it to her in)...she's getting too stressed with me trying to give it to her in a dropper. Also can I use save-a-chick in conjunction with the polyvisol treatment? I just want to cover all my bases and get this girl well! Here are some pictures of her legs. I don't know what I'm looking for but maybe they might tip off a red flag with someone...or not. She won't fully extend them when standing. She is 16 days old today.

She was standing with more strength yesterday (no difference today) and eating more today. But I'll take it! We started her on Vit B complex crushed in her feed and we've given her some small pieces by mouth. She hates that equally as much as the polyvisol. I've also put nutria-drench in her water since it has vit E. Now I'm reading all this great info on Brewers Yeast (which her vit B tab has in it) and am wondering if I can mix that in her food as well? I think this recovery may take a while.
She's still making slight improvements. We moved her back in with the other girls and she has put on a little weight. We didn't realize how much being away from the others was stressing her out even if she could still see them. Now that she's back in the main brooder we're just giving her polyvisol and plain water that the rest drink since they don't need the nutri-drench. She still looks like a miniature version of a chicken and I'm wondering how much nerve damage she has because of the deficiency and what possible problems we're looking at down the road? She still will not stand completely straight, is a little wobbly, and her head posture is still a little low compared to the others. She is now 3 weeks old. Will her growth catch up and will she lay normally? Can I add brewer's yeast to the feed for all of them?
She may be small, but with brahmas that is still pretty big. I miss my buff brahmas--they were very friendly and beautiful chickens. Here is a link about the brewers yeast: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/325825/does-anyone-feed-their-chickens-brewers-yeast

Great info, thanks! While looking at Brewer's yeast I found Nutritional Yeast and it appears to have a higher % of B-12 as well as Selenium. The numbers are almost triple. I've posted on the forum link you gave me to see if anyone has experience or thoughts on one vs. the other.
I think this is definitely something we will add to the feed for all the girls once they are older. Our Brahma is doing much better! She is acting like a big chicken now...scratching, stretching, fluttering, etc. It's exciting to watch :) She is gaining weight and looks to be in perfect health. We have backed down the polyvisol treatments to every other or every 3 days. How long do you suggest continuing treatments? It has taken approx 2 weeks to get her to this point and I truly believe the B12 has saved this chicken. Thank you for all your help!!

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