2-year-old Hen Passing Milky Viscous Stools, Photos Attached

@cottagecheese Photo of her fanny. No unusual odor, abdomen is normal.
I can't seem to edit my title to add "Update." I found the hen dead in the coop when I went out to do the chores this morning. This was just after my dog passed away. I did not do a necropsy, I just buried her and scrubbed the entire coop and nesting boxes with hot, soapy water liberally dosed with white vinegar. I applied a spray I bought at TSC to help prevent creepie crawlies, (I've had zero trouble with mites, lice, etc. and I think this is why. I sprinkled DE and coop compost granules then topped it all of with several inches of pine shavings. I'm hoping it was something limited to just her and that the other three don't contract whatever she had. I'll be watching them very closely. I also wormed them today. This has been a terrible day.
:hugs I am so, so sorry:hugs
Losing both your dog and a sweet hen on the same day, I can't imagine. It's so heartbreaking.
I lost my dog about a month ago and I was just crushed. I do love my chickens, but he was my fella.
You did the right thing, sometimes it's just all too overwhelming to deal with.
Sounds like you cleaned your coop well.
I know it's hard, but thank very much for the update.

If you wish to change your title. Go to your first post and hit the "report" tell admin you wish to update the title and what you want it to be, they will change it for you.

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