20 week leghorn sick after rubber egg


Jun 22, 2021
Hi everyone,

my 20 week leghorn was doing lots of nesting box exploration the past few days. The day before yesterday she spent almost the entire day in the nest box, but no egg. Yesterday, she free ranged and was fine until evening when I noticed she roosted early and seemed extra tired. I went out to check on her and thought she had poop stuck to her bottom tail feathers and brought her inside to clean her up.
While washing away the poop I found a shellless egg membrane broken and stuck to her feathers. After cleaning her and drying her I sat her on the floor and she expelled what looked like egg whites all over the floor. I’ve kept her separate and she will drink water but refuses to eat.
This morning I have her a dose of nutridrench and tried giving her yogurt with crushed tums but she only ate the tiniest amount.
The rest of today she has been really tired and refuses to eat any food. She only drinks water. Her comb is still red but has completely flipped over. I’m worried and don’t know what else I can do. I don’t have a vet nearby that I could even take her too. Any suggestions or help on what is going on?
I would give her a human calcium tablet with vitamin D3, such as calcium citrate, orally. They will swallow it whole. Since she had an egg break inside, I would try to get FishMox amoxicillin at your feed store or online. She may just feel lousy due to the broken egg or perhaps another is coming along behind. Try tempting her to eat with some wet chicken feed and scrambled egg. Water is even more important.
I would give her a human calcium tablet with vitamin D3, such as calcium citrate, orally. They will swallow it whole. Since she had an egg break inside, I would try to get FishMox amoxicillin at your feed store or online. She may just feel lousy due to the broken egg or perhaps another is coming along behind. Try tempting her to eat with some wet chicken feed and scrambled egg. Water is even more important.
Thank you, I will see if I can find it! I tried scrambled eggs a little bit ago and she didn’t want any of it. But she keeps drinking water!

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