**2009 Quilt Block Swap for May**

Grats Ginger!
I'm still sewing on my moms machine till I get mine fixed. Funny part is mine is or was hers..... Good old Singer, I wouldn't trade it for the world, besides I know how to thread the darned thing in my sleep, I don't want to learn that again!!


Also, Jody, could you Define pink for me....
.... Are light peaches, and salmony pinks OK or are you looking for baby-girl pink? I haven't much liked pink until recently and tend to lump a bunch of colors into that category... So I was just wondering....

Thank You!!!
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Babymakes5's block will be going out in the morning mail. I forgot to get more mailing envelopes last night when I left work. So my block is done for this month.
I never got your block from last month Chuck!

Gin - I am sooooooo happy for you!!! Awesome friend and happy ending!!! Can't wait to get behind you on the list now, lol!!!!!!!

Leeps, you crack me up!!!!

Don't tell anyone but I've been sewing on my blocks for the Autumn swap. I guess I'm kinda like Scrambled, a little compulsive at times. JK, Darlene.

Your secret is OUT now!!! And I am ALOT compulsive!! I have been cutting triangles for the past two nights for the autumn swap, lol!!!!!

We sound like old women in a quilting bee or something bragging about our sewing machines and the ones we covet, lol!!!! 20 years ago it would have been MEN we were all gabbing about..now we've moved on to the IMPORTANT stuff!!
Nanakat, you're right..friends are a definite plus to your life..even if they are internet ones
Darlene.....I got your block done last night
I'll be sending it soon.
It's the first of it's kind that I have done. It also tunred our really pretty. I call it "Sami's Star".

I'll try and get a pic of it posted before I send it.
Patience, oh obsessive/compulsive one, patience. It should be there by Friday. I took them to the Post Office and dropped them off in person yesterday to be sure they at least made it that far. And I'll bet you dollars to donuts the missing ones will finally show up too. I usually just leave my outgoing mail in my mailbox for my carrier to pick up, as he is really great with handling my mail and packages for me. Turns out, he was off and we had a sub on the route when I sent out the original two blocks to you and SloCrevs.

Rick (my mailman) told me the idiot sub, just held onto the outgoing mail and gave it all to him on Tuesday when he came back. That idiot no longer works for the PO. So both of you nice, young ladies should be receiving both blocks by Friday.

I'm just sitting here, patiently rocking in my chair, thinking calming thoughts, listening to the rain pound on the roof of the house,
I am sorry I have not been on much this month. With trying to get the new house in order and starting my mini-farm, I have been crazy busy. I have done 1 1/2 of the blocks I am doing and hope to finish them very soon. My hobby room is almost done and organized enough to work in there.
Sorry I didnt get back to you Nanakat, I am excited to get yours.

My sewing area!

My ducks

My chicks
HEY !!!!

Here I is ....
This lady on your "thread" paid me $100 to post on here for her.
Hint --- Hint--- Scrambled Egg

Nope ... I am limited as how to use a forum sooooooooo I needed guidance to get here. Thank you all so much for your welcomes. I look forward to this. Already got "caught" in Wally World last night looking at quilting "stuff". My husband was I thought in the car (lol..lol..lol)

Hope you have a wonderful day.
Chat at ya'll later.
Hey Crumples....Glad you made it.
I was afraid Darlene was going to scare you off before you got here. We go off on tangents sometimes but we have fun.

By the way, SE, I still think my DH has a cute butt.
I hope that was ok to say.
I may be 65 but I still think of other things besides sewing machines.

17Roses....I envy you having a place that you can just doing sewing or crafts. I have to put my stuff away if we have overnighters.
Welcome crumbles, glad to hear from you at last. Sorry you got caught looking at quilting stuff at WallyWorld, guess you need to bone up on your sneaky skills!

Either that or send hubby to electronics or hardware where "men" toys are and say you are going to look at ladies unmentionables. Most men will bolt for those departments as fast as they can, rather than get dragged through a ladies longerie dept.

Then once he's out of sight, make a dash for the fabrics section!

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