**2009 Quilt Block Swap for May**

Man a gal can't even go MIA around here anymore with out some crazy stuff going on. AND I MISSED IT. Darn it, that is what I get for babysitting when I should of been home painting.

Hope ya all had a great Mother's day. My daughter put a nail thru her foot so that was fun. I don't know what it is with her and Mother's day and nails. When she was 12 she climbed a homemade ladder and it broke and we ended up in the ER and she ended up with 48 staples 1/2 in apart up the back of her leg. That was fun now at 25 she puts one thru her foot. Go figure she is my troubled child. I sure hope she grows out of that stage soon. LOL.

Welcome Crumbles glad ya got to post, it can be confusing sometimes but it is worth the time to learn these boards, well some of them LOL.

Scrambled I got my block I just love it you are really sewing now girl. Thanks for the soap. Is that a hint? LOL.

Well all my bears are back and I am ok with that but we got a new one and it has been tearing things up around here. Glad I got my electric fence around my chicks that is for sure.

Well a 2 1/2 hour trip tomorrow (hope I get the ok to eat regular food again, darn dental surgery) and then Saturday is a town wide rummage sale that we go to every year. This year 2 of my daughters will go my granddaughter, a neice and her 5 kids. A great neice and her 2 kids. At least 3 of my sister's will be there and one of my sister's daughter, one of my sister's daughter in laws. One of my sister is taking her 2 grandson's. My sister in law is coming and her daughter and Mother. Who am I forgetting LOL. It is always fun as we are out to enjoy it. Hope it doesn't rain again but we still go and we still find deals.

My son is staying home to drive someone else nuts for a change. I can not wait for that ankle to heal, he doesn't even have a bell. LOL

Night all I am sure I will miss really great things in the next few days.
LOL!!! No hint Zoo, just homemade soap there, makes you smell good all day...only in case you dont already, hahaha!!!

Acre...there is nothing at all SIMPLE about that block!!! WOW!!! It's awesome!!! See ya'll how good family treats you!! Better check and see who you might be related to..you could get an awesome block like that one!!! My husband is named Sammy too, how strange is that?!!


Gotta get outta here, roamed around ebay this morning...my achilles heel!!!....
have a great day, yay it's friday!!!
Darlene.....here's a better pic of your block. Hope you still like it.


No that corner isn't cut crooked, it;s just hanging off the edge of the bench

I already had it folded to mail, so that's why it has the creases in it.
Sending out blocks to babymakes5,zookeeper and gumpsgirl today so watch for them !

Hey Scrambled get off my back or I will have a big surprise for you girl ! STALK

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