2012 Spring Seed Swap

seems like a bad idea, people may send seeds for illegal drugs perhaps... i wouldn't. i'm against stuff like that... I got a mix of seeds though but not sure if I can join this year. I gotta see if my seed saving works... Maybe next year... and then how do we know the address we send it to will give us seeds back in return? and you said nothing about how many seeds you got to put in a packet. which is something I feel I cannot do on my own that soon by your deadlines. ;)

should be for people who know each other real well. I don't know any of y'all yet, and vise versa. y'all don't know anything about me yet... ;)
seems like a bad idea, people may send seeds for illegal drugs perhaps... i wouldn't. i'm against stuff like that... I got a mix of seeds though but not sure if I can join this year. I gotta see if my seed saving works... Maybe next year... and then how do we know the address we send it to will give us seeds back in return? and you said nothing about how many seeds you got to put in a packet. which is something I feel I cannot do on my own that soon by your deadlines. ;)

should be for people who know each other real well. I don't know any of y'all yet, and vise versa. y'all don't know anything about me yet... ;)

Who would send in seeds for illegal drugs in exchange for seeds for thing like pumpkins and zuchini? What kind of drugs do you think grow from seeds? Just an FYI (because I am in CA I know how they grow it but do not use it) the pot plants come from clones and they are valuable. Opium poppies are grown where they are because that is where they do best, poppies are also the state flower here, California Poppies....Good luck finding the opium in those! Not sure about datura or the others, but I think all of those are from seedlings too, either way, if you are a drug dealer those things are of value to you....a whole lot more than a bunch of squash!

People have been exchanging seeds here before, we just got done with a fabulous exchange of pumpkins/squash/gourds. We all sent in out seeds and the hostess sent them back out in the self addressed envelope we provided (with postage)
seems like a bad idea, people may send seeds for illegal drugs perhaps... i wouldn't. i'm against stuff like that... I got a mix of seeds though but not sure if I can join this year. I gotta see if my seed saving works... Maybe next year... and then how do we know the address we send it to will give us seeds back in return? and you said nothing about how many seeds you got to put in a packet. which is something I feel I cannot do on my own that soon by your deadlines. ;)

should be for people who know each other real well. I don't know any of y'all yet, and vise versa. y'all don't know anything about me yet... ;)

This may come off as soundng mean and/or rude but it isn't meant to be...Are you serious???
Not likely anyone would bother sending any type of illegal drug seeds thru a seed swap on a chicken forum. The only problem I could see might be that you receive seeds of a plant variety that may not grow well in the area you live in.
As for not getting seeds back, that isn't going to happen either. We all send to the same person and she divides them up evenly and sends them to everyone who sent to her. Bockbock2008 ran this same swap last year and it worked out really nice for us all. We each sent in 6 seeds packets and we all received more than that in return. Can't remember exactly but think it was 10 or 11 packs of seeds we got.
I do have one complaint though .... the Money Plant seeds didn't grow one single dime .... wrong climate zone maybe
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Dawn I wanted to ask the same question, I couldn't make up my mind from reading the post if they were trying to be funny or were serious.
Is there a "special" seed swap on BYC?
Judging by some of the spelling & grammar I see on this forum some days, I wouldn't be surprised.

I assumed they were joking... but you know what they say about assume...
Wow! I'm glad you all posted for me before I got to them. REALLY???
So I guess this means no pot plants for me this year
I understand you have to be cautious in the world today but not everybody is up to no good. I won't even go to gas stations that make you pre pay because I AM NOT A THIEF, so don't expect that I am and hope that I'm not.

Back to our regularly scheduled seed swap......

If you are sending in seeds to meet someones special request, please mark that on the outside of the package. Thank you!
A funny story

A friend of mine in the Antelope Valley area and I were talking in a chat room about gardening and planting some native flower mix. She said she was having a hard time finding poppy seeds, but had plenty of a different garden variety. I told her I would send some of mine and she was going to send me some of hers.

A couple of our chat pals (it is photography chat and not porn etc) got all excited and told us that we should watch what we say in public about the poppies.....they actually thought that we were talking about starting an opium poppy patch.

Antelope Valley is the home of the California Poppy Preserve, it is our state flower! Good Grief! Her seeds were to a different color other than the state orange poppy.

About the seed exchange, I am on the fence right now about signing up. I am so far behind on garden projects that I am worried I will have over committed and won't have time. I have a room I am painting/restoring in the house-trying to get it looking like I have been busy before the bf gets back in town to help me with the rebuilt of the closet , pruning and grafting to do, and the neighbors gave us a 100+ feet of picket fencing (used) that is now in the way of our new patio/chicken terrace/rose garden etc and is going up around our winter garden and it is going to be mid 70's this week so everything in the yard wants to take off and I am not ready for Spring in January!
Wow, .....Wow..... I have participated in many trades never had a problem, but I don't spend anytime worrying about it. Realistically you might get seeds that didn't sprout or get fewer seeds than you sent, and perhaps you might never get a single seed in return, but if so you haven't lost much just a few seeds and a few stamps. More often than not these trades are a benefit to everyone. I have too much of some seeds and not enough of others. So it is a win, win, situation.
This life is short, go ahead and mail some seeds!

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