2012 Wyandotte Breeders Thread !!!

I'm in Southern Missouri. I got my Wyandottes last year, and am looking forward to selling hatching eggs and chicks this year. I have large fowl white wyandottes, and I also have blues and BLRWs that I got from the Foleys. I also have a few bantam Wyandottes. I bought barred hatching eggs from someone and ended up with 2 white hens, 2 barred roosters, a black hen and 2 black roosters, so I am hoping for blacks and barreds out of them this spring.

Here are some pictures:





Thanks for listing me, but please note my blacks and barreds should be under bantams, not large fowl. Thank you! Thank you for your efforts in doing this thread!
I have LF BLR

Here's one of my favorites when she was young! She's a total lap chicken!!

Need to get some updated pics!!

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