Ended 2013 Easter Hatch-a-long Contest #4 - Cutest Baby Fowl Picture

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Was he asleep??
Here are my 2 entries. First one is baby chicky a golden red, the second are my pekin ducks with "packing peanut".

Do we have to join the easter hatch along to enter?

According to the rules in post 1 NO!

Contest Rules:
Entries welcome for all types of fowl – chickens, ducks, peafowl, geese, quail, etc.
Open to all BYC members in the U.S. and Canada (if the winner is from Canada, you might need to pay shipping)
Must be your picture, taken between October 1st, 2012 to March 29th, 2013
Baby fowl must be less than one month old
Maximum of 2 entries per member
Deadline for entry is March 29th, 2013 at midnight PST
According to the rules in post 1 NO!

Contest Rules:
Entries welcome for all types of fowl – chickens, ducks, peafowl, geese, quail, etc.
Open to all BYC members in the U.S. and Canada (if the winner is from Canada, you might need to pay shipping)
Must be your picture, taken between October 1st, 2012 to March 29th, 2013
Baby fowl must be less than one month old
Maximum of 2 entries per member
Deadline for entry is March 29th, 2013 at midnight PST

Glad you reposted this, I need to change my picture..too old. :(


These are my 2 entries. In the tutu's are a 2 day old Rhode Island Red and a 2 day old Buff Orpington. The bottom is a 2 day old Cuckoo Marans.
Tammy & John from Hippie Chicks n' Eggs
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