Ended 2013 Easter Hatch-a-long Contest #4 - Cutest Baby Fowl Picture

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Entry #1 my first Showgirl

And #2 my first showgirl meeting my puppy

My second entry, can't resist. This is Goose the Goose or Goose squared :D He's our first gosling we've hatched and he's an African. I also want to know if we post a pic of a baby can we post an updated pic????

My baby peachicks at a couple days old. Muppet, the ham, hogging all the attention.

And Muppet at about a month old. :) This is my FAVORITE picture of her.

This was the first ever chicken we ever hatched. The picture was taken at 4 am by my 6 year old daughter who sat on edge until it dried off before she went back to bed.

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