Ended 2013 Easter Hatch-a-long Contest #6 "Broodies and Their Babies!!!"

My feral girl Miss Bette, growling like a dog! She was killed last year protecting another baby...
These two broodies stole each others eggs every time the other wasn't looking! Together, they hatched and raised over a dozen chicks.


Here is my Black Banty with a Surprise Chick she hatched March 5, '13.
We didn't know eggs were fertile; they were started by a Black Tail Jap that got shoved off by this one.
Too cute.

Here's my white EE and her babies. She raised all these babies for over nine months.
I love this one! Definitely has my vote! :) Some moms just don't know when to kick their kids out of the nest!
We thought we had lost our beloved banty turken "Sunshine" to a predator last summer....imagine our surprise when she came out of the woods one day with 9 baby silkie chicks following behind her.....
Entry #1
Best broody momma ever, Green leg Hatch Hen. She momma'd these chicks until they were 16 weeks old and almost as big as her.

Same Green leg Hatch hen and chicks. She raised them up amongst all the other chickens and she had no problem with the other chickens bothering the babies. She kept everyone far far away from her chicks........yes that IS a spur on her one leg.

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