Ended 2013 Easter Hatch-a-long Contest #6 "Broodies and Their Babies!!!"

I am so excited to about this contest! I have only had chickens for two years and have alway been afraid to have a broody hatch and raise babies. I decided to go for it this time! I am so glad I did. My hen didn't have much success with hatching her own eggs. Only one hatched, but once I saw her with her baby I gave her the others that I hatch in the incubator for the Easter hatch along and she took them all! There is just something special and natural about watching a hen with her babies. Today was a warm day so I took her out for a while for a few photos....so this is my Eng. Orp "Big Mamma" with her brood.

entry 1

entry 2

entry 3
Well Licorice did just fine for her second hatching. She is a great mama and I just love to hear her cluck ant the little chicks and watch them come running. We gave Licorice 4 of the 18 eggs a friend had given us to use for our first incubation with a homemade cooler incubator. I took these the day they hatched. I just love having a digital camera.

This one had just hatched.
submit #1

I just couldn't help myself. I had to have a little newly born chick video.

This is is one of the dry ones come out out to say hello.

submit #2

Here are the rest of the chicks on their first day out.

Sorry, I almost forgot to join the contest. I got in by the skin of my teeth.
Here is the uploaded video of Licorice and her chick. It is very short.
I've enjoyed the hatch off. It has been fun.

Yes, in the video I should have said she had a chick not a baby. I was just so excited to see another one had hatched.

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Entry #1
Our first ever broody, "Grumpy" and her chickies. Grumpy actually went broody right after we had put some eggs in the incubator (goofy chicken!) so she ended up adopting the incubator chicks as well as her own!

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