Ended 2013 Easter Hatch-a-long "Create a Chicken Tiara" Contest


Covered in Pet Hair & Feathers
10 Years
Sep 22, 2009
My slice of heaven in Somerset, CA
Doesn't the Diva in your hen deserve a tiara? Or your most roo-some rooster need a crown? I am sponsoring TWO contests in one: a full year GFM (one from me, one from Nifty-Chicken) for each of the following: Create the best Hen Tiara or best Rooster Crown. This contest started unofficially about two weeks ago as some discussion within the Easter Hatch-a-long thread. (But only one creative person has submitted a photo of a prototype Tiara, so far.) The rules are: 1. Tiaras and Crowns must be wearable by a chicken and entries must be submitted with a photo of the headwear modeled by a hen or rooster. 2. Tiaras and Crowns can be made from ANY media: have fun with sequins, wire, painted pipe cleaners, feathers, buttons, paperclips, whatever you like. The more bling the better! Just realize a whole lotta rhinestones might be too heavy for a chicken to wear. (See Rule #1.) 3. Provide construction instructions so other folks with Diva hens in their flocks can create hand-crafted, designer "knock off" Tiaras for them, too. 4. Entries (Instructions PLUS finished product photo) must be submitted within this Contest thread, no later than Monday, April 1, the day after Easter., but won't be counted as valid until the contestant has also posted the entry on the Easter Hatch-a-long thread for those participants (and lurkers) to appreciate as well. This is to ensure the greatest exposure for your handcrafted Diva Designer wear. 5. All members of BYC may submit entries, not just those participating in the Easter Hatch-a-long. Also, ALL members of BYC are elegible for the prize(s). Although I will choose the winners, I'll probably have a poll created for input from the rest of BYC to assist me in determing the most popular entries. Remember this is two parts: Instructions PLUS finished product photo, because others wanna make Chicken Tiaras too, but not everybody is creative with crafts. I will update this to include anything I forgot, what needs to be clarified or corrected and to make it prettier whenever I can get to my computer....
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Instructions take 1 in of wire bend into circle then take 3- 1 in wire sections bend into v's then attach to circle then wrap with ribbon of choice. Place dots of glitter the put on chickens head.
P.S. chicks like shiny things if said tiara falls off a chick will snatch it. Then they will fight over it all while you're attempting to catch whichever chick has it.
Hen Tiara Entry #1.
Instructions take 1 in of wire bend into circle then take 3- 1 in wire sections bend into v's then attach to circle then wrap with ribbon of choice. Place dots of glitter the put on chickens head.
P.S. chicks like shiny things if said tiara falls off a chick will snatch it. Then they will fight over it all while you're attempting to catch whichever chick has it.
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Woohoo! This week is spring break so I will have lots of time to hatch an idea for this. Have been looking forward to this since you said it on the main thread.
Woo hoo!! Got to play dress up with my chickens! I did one for the hen, and for our rooster. :) My kids came home and pretty much rolled their eyes at me and said "mom's turning the chickens into live barbies". :) He He He... Yup!

I stared both crowns with a pile of what I call "toybox trash"... anything that settles at the bottom of the toybox & is pretty much junk. I used scissors & hot glue for everything.

For the Hen:

From the pile I used a milk cap ring, some junk thin clear plastic (what my computer mouse came in), and an old barbie dress.

I used the milk ring as the base, wrapped & trimmed the plastic around it to form a "princess cone"... hot glued into place:

I cut up the barbie dress (which had a print satin, a netting, and a ribbon... perfect!), and covered the cone with the satin. Added the veiling on the top, and lined it with the ribbon along the bottom. More hot glue...

Finished product:

And now being modeled by our Barred Rock hen (& my daughter). She's actually the hen that donated the eggs for our hatch-a-long!... so we'll be seeing her babies later.

For the rooster's crown... I started with the same pile of "toybox trash".

From the pile I used an empty plastic tube that my son got little animals in, an old plastic "gumball machine" toy that seemed "mirror'ish" shiny, some twix wrappers (yes I found it in his messy box **rolls eyes**, but it was shiny and I figured I might make use of it), and some aluminum foil.

I started with the tube from the animals. Cut it in half and "spiked" across the top, and then covered it in the foil (of course I used hot glue! LOL):

Then I took the shiny gumball machine, and broke a big chunk off, and then cut it into tiny "diamonds, squares, triangle" whatever little pieces with the scissors:

I glued all the little "jewels" to the crown with my trusty glue gun... "mosaic style".

Then I cut strips of gold (from the twix wrappers) to trim the bottom of the crown.

Finished product:

And now modeled by our Light Brahma Rooster "Big Daddy" (the big daddy of our hatch-a-long eggs!)...

It didn't seem to bother him wearing it AT ALL! He was probably thinking... "Gee, it's about time they got it right!"
Maah, can you also duplicate your post in the Hatch-a-long thread! Thanks!

I notice folks are missing Rule #4, (which I have now edited to make it easier for me to acknowledge the entries, but still make sure the Easter Hatch-a-long participants and visitors get to see everybody's submissions).

We're going for the most visibility of all the contestants' creations - many more eyes there to admire all y'all's work!
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