2013 Spring Seed Swap

I might get some started tomorrow.. just have to make time in the day to get around to it!
Oh I have already started some in egg flats (that I got in a swap..lol) I planted them...then the next day it snowed.
Thanks Kassaundra. Your Little Man is adorable!!! I love it when they start to crow. I have 3 that are starting and they sound like a squeaky toy gone bad!! Of course, they're meant for the freezer, but it's still funny while it lasts.
I don't mind the new roo crowing, think it is kinda cute, but HATE the new roo hormones, if both of my guys survive w/o becoming soup it will be amazing!!!!!!! (and I really want their genetics or they might already have been soup) My girls (chickens) I'm sure would throw me a party if I got rid of them.

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